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Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois

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Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois Empty Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois

Message  gdu78 Lun 23 Fév - 11:54


Au cours de la guerre d'Indochine, le général de Lattre veut créer une armée nationale pour chaque pays méthode qu'on appellera plus tard jaunissement ou vietnamisation :

1er bataillon de parachutistes vietnamiens : constitué le 15 juillet 1951 à Saigon, il est formé à partir de deux compagnies parachutistes vietnamiennes existantes, dont la 1ère compagnie de la Garde aux ordres du lieutenant de Haynin et de volontaires du 1er bataillon colonial de commandos parachutistes. (Source wikipédia).
Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois 1%C2%B0_BPVN

3e bataillon de parachutistes vietnamiens : constitué le 1er septembre 1952 à Hanoï Il est formé à partir du 10e BPCP et comprend une compagnie de commandement (CCB) et 3 puis 4 compagnies de combat soit un effectif d'environ 1000 hommes.
Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois 3%C2%B0_BPVN

5e bataillon de parachutistes vietnamiens : le plus connu pour avoir participé a DBP constituée le 1er septembre 1953 à Hanoi
Il est formé à partir du transfert du PC et des 3e et 23e compagnies indochinoises parachutistes du 3e bataillon de parachutistes coloniaux dissous la veille et rapatrié en métropole.
Opérations du 5 BPVN : Opération Brochet en septembre - octobre 1953, Opération "Castor" - novembre 1953, Bataille de Diên Biên Phu : il est largué le 14 mars 1954.
Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois 5%C2%B0_BPVN

6e bataillon de parachutistes vietnamiens : constituée le 1er mai 1954 a ?, c'est la première unité parachutiste entièrement constituée de Vietnamiens.
Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois 6%C2%B0_BPVN

7e bataillon de parachutistes vietnamiens : constituée le 1er septembre 1953 à Hanoi.
Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois 7%C2%B0_BPVN

Pour les deux derniers si vous avez des infos cela serait sympa de les partager car je ne sais quasiment rien d'eux merci.

1er bataillon de parachutistes khmers : créé le 1er décembre 1952.

Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois 1BPKdrago

1er bataillon de parachutistes laotiens : créé le 1er octobre 1951 à Vientiane (Laos).
Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois 1BPL

merci voila!
cdt, gdu78

Dernière édition par gdu78 le Dim 30 Mai - 11:07, édité 3 fois

Messages : 84
Date d'inscription : 22/02/2009
Age : 29
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Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois Empty Re: Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois

Message  lr Lun 23 Fév - 12:14


tres beaux insignes

mais y'a pas eu de division parachutiste indochinoise...faut pas tout melanger bom


lr study

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Date d'inscription : 31/12/2008
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Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois Empty Re: Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois

Message  gdu78 Lun 23 Fév - 12:41

je vais coriger merci de me l'avoir fais remarquer.

Messages : 84
Date d'inscription : 22/02/2009
Age : 29
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Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois Empty Re: Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois

Message  Admin Lun 23 Fév - 12:54


merci de cet article gdu78 !
Très sympa ces insignes.

cdt, Antoine.


Messages : 1601
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2008
Age : 31
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Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois Empty Re: Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois

Message  Admin Mar 24 Fév - 10:44


je me suis permis de le transférer dans la rubrique appropriée !

cdt, Antoine.


Messages : 1601
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2008
Age : 31
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Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois Empty paras vietnamiens

Message  troopschat Dim 7 Mar - 11:47

en effet, il n'y avait pas de division para en indo mais des GAP (Groupement Aero Portés). Le GAP 3 a la fin des hostilités regroupe tous les BPVN : 1°, 3°, 5°, 6°, 7° TDND (Tieu Doan Nhay Du). Le bataillon para Kmer est dissous pour cause de conspiration anti française en 1952 ou 1953 mais je ne suis pas sur de la date.



Messages : 36
Date d'inscription : 30/05/2009

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Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois Empty LE BAWAN

Message  MICHEL Lun 17 Jan - 10:02

Je ne suis pas spécialiste, mais la guerre d'Indochine m'intéresse. Dans tout ce que j'ai lu sur Dien Bien Phu, je n'ai jamais appris ce qu'il était advenu des Paras vietnamiens du 5e bataillon faits prisonniers. Ont-ils été "rééduqués", ou massacrés comme fantoches ?
Merci de me répondre


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Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois Empty Re: Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois

Message  Ramuncho Lun 17 Jan - 10:56

MICHEL a écrit:Je ne suis pas spécialiste, mais la guerre d'Indochine m'intéresse. Dans tout ce que j'ai lu sur Dien Bien Phu, je n'ai jamais appris ce qu'il était advenu des Paras vietnamiens du 5e bataillon faits prisonniers. Ont-ils été "rééduqués", ou massacrés comme fantoches ?
Merci de me répondre

Bonjour MICHEL , plutôt que de demander que l'on te communique des renseignements sur ta boite mail, il serait plus correct que tu t'inscrives sur ce forum, tu ne crois pas ? Ramuncho.

Messages : 650
Date d'inscription : 15/02/2009

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Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois Empty Re: Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois

Message  MICHEL_ Mar 18 Jan - 6:31

Voilà, c'est fait. Je me suis enrégimenté ! Very Happy

Donc, qu'est-t-il advenu des paras vietnamiens du 5e Bataillon, et combien en restait-il au moment de la chute du camp retranché ? Ont-ils été "rééduqués" ou, tout simplement, exécutés sans autre forme de procès ?


Messages : 1
Date d'inscription : 18/01/2011

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Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois Empty Re: Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois

Message  Gwened Mar 18 Jan - 21:19

Je vous présente trois insignes BPVN, je ne garantis pas qu'ils sont 100% originaux, il se peut meme qu'il s'agisse de "bidouilles" ou copies, peut-etre aussi datent-ils des années après la présence française?
Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois 353914insigne3ebpvn
Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois 732064insigne6ebpvn


Messages : 37
Date d'inscription : 30/05/2009

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Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois Empty Re: Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois

Message  Bawouan Sam 14 Avr - 9:09

Bonjour à tous,
Voici l'insigne du 7è BPVN (Bataillon de Parachutistes Vietnamiens)ou TD 7 ND matriculé que j'ai trouvé ce matin, un bataillon assez méconnu créé en 1953 à Hanoï :

Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois 12041411133312557

Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois 120414111721174327

Trouvé avec ce brevet boutonnière époque début Guerre d'Indochine :
Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois 120414111835194344

Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois 120414112000756231

Bien cordialement

Messages : 908
Date d'inscription : 20/02/2009

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Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois Empty Re: Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois

Message  Admin Sam 14 Avr - 9:44


Et bien Jérôme, que de trouvailles sympas ! Félicitations.
Pour le 7ème BPVN, très bel insigne pour une unité quasi inconnue de la plupart des passionnés.


Messages : 1601
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2008
Age : 31
Localisation : St-Aignan (41)

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Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois Empty 6th BPVN & 7th BPVN

Message  Dan Morris Mar 27 Jan - 7:09


This is what I understand of the 6th BPVN. If someone has corrections or additions, I thank you in advance.

6th BPVN (Bataillon de Parachutistes Vietnamiens),
3/1/54, formed at Saigon in Annam from part of 19th BVN from ca Mau as first entire Vietnamese Para Battalion without European cadre. Commander of 19th BVN was first commander of 6th BPVN. Formed too late to play a major role in the fighting. Had many Khmer Krom (ethnic Cambodians).
1/1/55, Cochin China, part of GAP 3.
9/21/55, Moved to Saigon.
3/1/54, Major Tri.
9/29/54, replaced by Captain Thach, former second in command of the Battalion.

This is what I understand of the 7th BPVN. If someone has corrections or additions, I thank you in advance.

7th BPVN (Bataillon de Parachutistes Vietnamiens),
9/1/53, Tonkin, formed at Haiphong with French cadre from 1st BPK (1st Battalion Parachutiste Khmer) and troops from 69th BVN, had two rifle companies (1st & 2nd ). Total Battalion strength was 959 troops.
11/1/53, formed third company.
12/1/53, formed 4th Company.
3/12/54, Laos, Moved to Seno.
4/30/54, Battalion disbanded by CEFEO.
5/1/54, Battalion transferred to AVN. Now had a Vietnamese Commander.
5/7/54, Annam, near An Khe with 7 BPC.
7/54, Tonkin, part of withdraw in Red River Delta.
7/25/54, moved by air to Nha Trang with GAP 3
11/6/54, absorbed 634 Commando du Centre Annam (Ex-North Vietnam Commando # 3) at Reception Centre Annam.
11/9/54, absorbed North Vietnam Commando No. 15.
10/1/54, Under Command of the AVN.
11/11/54, moved to Nha Trang where with 3rd BPVN & 5th BPVN form GAP 3.
1/1/55, Nha Trang.
3/1/55, disbanded to fill out other BPVN’s and Support units with GAP 3.


Dan Morris

Messages : 42
Date d'inscription : 20/08/2013
Age : 73
Localisation : USA

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Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois Empty Re: Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois

Message  BKLX Dim 15 Fév - 10:13


effectivement, il s'agit d'une très belle collection d'insigne qui est présentée. Pour ma part, moi qui suis collectionneur d'insignes para et Légion je n'ai pour cette période qu'une collection virtuelle! car moins chère.
J'aurais une petite question, quelqu'un sait-il pourquoi la numérotation des BPVN est incomplète? Pas de 2 ni de 4e BPVN.

Merci d'avance

Messages : 282
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2012
Age : 58
Localisation : Bourges

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Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois Empty Re: Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois

Message  Alexandre SANGUEDOLCE Mar 24 Oct - 22:11

A quelle date le 5e BPVN a été retiré du camp retranché de DBP, je pense que c'est début décembre 1953 mais j'ignore la date.

Messages : 63
Date d'inscription : 16/08/2018
Age : 58

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Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois Empty Bataillon para indochinois

Message  bunker Jeu 26 Oct - 9:10

D'après ce que j'ai compris, le 5e BPVN ne serait reparti de Dien Bien Phu qu'à la fin janvier.
Sont repartis en décembre le 6e BPC de Bigeard (le 11 me semble t-il ) et le II/1er RCP de Brechignac.
Bien cordialement


Messages : 113
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2016
Age : 75
Localisation : Région parisienne

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Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois Empty Re: Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois

Message  Alexandre SANGUEDOLCE Jeu 26 Oct - 10:16

Je pensais en décembre mais je n'ai pas accès à d'autres sources.

Messages : 63
Date d'inscription : 16/08/2018
Age : 58

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Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois Empty 5e BPVN

Message  bunker Jeu 26 Oct - 10:54

Le 5e BPVN est encore à DBP en janvier, puisque des éléments de ce bataillon participent à l'ouverture de route vers Isabelle le 12 janvier (avec le 1er BEP). N'ayant pas le JMO correspondant, je n'en sais pas plus.
Certain par contre pour la date du 11 décembre en ce qui concerne le départ du 6e BPC (Possédant le JMO de ce bataillon pour la période, j'ai pu vérifier l'info).
Cordiales salutations


Messages : 113
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2016
Age : 75
Localisation : Région parisienne

Alexandre SANGUEDOLCE aime ce message

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Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois Empty Re: Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois

Message  Alexandre SANGUEDOLCE Jeu 26 Oct - 11:00

Merci pour ces précisions.

Messages : 63
Date d'inscription : 16/08/2018
Age : 58

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Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois Empty Re: Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois

Message  Alexandre SANGUEDOLCE Jeu 26 Oct - 19:25

Le 5e BPVN a été aérotransporté le 26 janvier suivant.

Messages : 63
Date d'inscription : 16/08/2018
Age : 58

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Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois Empty Re: Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois

Message  Dan Morris Dim 10 Déc - 8:47

gdu78 a écrit:Bonjour,

Au cours de la guerre d'Indochine, le général de Lattre veut créer une armée nationale pour chaque pays méthode qu'on appellera plus tard jaunissement ou vietnamisation :

1er bataillon de parachutistes vietnamiens : constitué le 15 juillet 1951 à Saigon, il est formé à partir de deux compagnies parachutistes vietnamiennes existantes, dont la 1ère compagnie de la Garde aux ordres du lieutenant de Haynin et de volontaires du 1er bataillon colonial de commandos parachutistes. (Source wikipédia).
Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois 1%C2%B0_BPVN

3e bataillon de parachutistes vietnamiens : constitué le 1er septembre 1952 à Hanoï Il est formé à partir du 10e BPCP et comprend une compagnie de commandement (CCB) et 3 puis 4 compagnies de combat soit un effectif d'environ 1000 hommes.
Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois 3%C2%B0_BPVN

5e bataillon de parachutistes vietnamiens : le plus connu pour avoir participé a DBP constituée le 1er septembre 1953 à Hanoi  
Il est formé à partir du transfert du PC et des 3e et 23e compagnies indochinoises parachutistes du 3e bataillon de parachutistes coloniaux dissous la veille et rapatrié en métropole.
Opérations du 5 BPVN : Opération Brochet en septembre - octobre 1953, Opération "Castor" - novembre 1953, Bataille de Diên Biên Phu : il est largué le 14 mars 1954.
Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois 5%C2%B0_BPVN

6e bataillon de parachutistes vietnamiens : constituée le 1er mai 1954 a ?, c'est la première unité parachutiste entièrement constituée de Vietnamiens.
Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois 6%C2%B0_BPVN

7e bataillon de parachutistes vietnamiens : constituée le 1er septembre 1953 à Hanoi.
Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois 7%C2%B0_BPVN

Pour les deux derniers si vous avez des infos cela serait sympa de les partager car je ne sais quasiment rien d'eux merci.

1er bataillon de parachutistes khmers : créé le 1er décembre 1952.

Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois 1BPKdrago

1er bataillon de parachutistes laotiens : créé le 1er octobre 1951 à Vientiane (Laos).
Bataillon de parachutistes Indochinois 1BPL

merci voila!
cdt, gdu78

Hello gdu 78
Here is some information that I have on the BPVN's set up by the French Army in Indo China. It may be in a little rough format as I have not updated during the last 10 years as I was traveling for my living. If there is questions or comments/corrections, please advise. regards, Dan.


During the French era, the Vietnamese served in many of the French colonial units which eventually would include 12 ‘Indochinese Paratroop Companies” and five Vietnamese Airborne Battalions. In looking at these ‘Vietnamese’ airborne units it must be kept in mind that except for the 6th Vietnamese Parachute Battalion, which was composed solely of Vietnamese troops, the other units included up to 50% French troops, in addition to many minority indigenous troops.

G.A.P. V.N:
9/29/54, Nha Trang, GAP 3 released by CEFEO to AVN.
10/1/54 Saigon,
11/11/54, Nha Trang where formed GAP VN with 5 BPVN, 3 BPVN, & 7 BPVN.
3/25/55, GAP VN with 3 BPVN & 5 BPVN to Saigon for Battle with Binh Xuyen.
4/6/55, SAIGON, 1 BPVN & 6 BPVN joined GAP VN.
5/1/55, Saigon, renamed the Airborne Group based at Ton Son Nhut.
Units: 1 BPVN, 3 BPVN, 5 BPVN, 6 BPVN.
(Major Tri later Lt Colonel Tri))

The First Vietnamese Parachute Battalion,
7/1/51, Saigon, 1st BPVN ordered to be formed from existing Vietnamese Para units
7/15/51, Battalion formed with European Cadre at Saigon the 1st Company from the former Parachute Squadron Guard of Viet Nam, the 2nd Company from the former Training Company, and the 3rd Company from the 1st CIP & filed with volunteers from the 22nd & 43rd RIC and AVN units (13th and 15th BVN). The Battalion’s base was Chi Hoa in the 1st Military region. When created the Battalion had 638 Vietnamese & 65 Europeans. Battalion trained at Tan Son Nhut and Bach Mai Airfield near Hanoi.
8/1/51, officially formed as part of the General Reserve. Had four Companies.
8/9/51, Annam, Plateau Montangard near Kontum to reinforce the 2nd BEP.
September 1951, Battalion fully operational.
8/30/51 to 9/9/51, Annam, Attached to GCMA for Operation PIRATE on the Island of
Cu Lao Re off the Annam coast, future home of GCMA in Central Annam.
10/51, Cochin China, 1st Company jumped in Operation CORNEILLE near Ben Cat.
11/1/51, Tonkin, Moved by air to Hanoi. Formed part of General Reserve of FTNV.
11/16/51, Tonkin, Garrison on Rocher Notre Dame Northeast of Hoa Binh.
12/15/51 to 12/19/51, Tonkin, reserve for Operation BRETAGNE
12/23/51 to 12/24/51, Tonkin, Hoa Binh.
12/31/51, Tonkin, Para jump at Ba Vi on Riviere Noire.
1/22/52, Tonkin, near Hoa Binh, RC 6 Nam Dinh & later Thai Binh.
2/21/52, Tonkin, left Hoa Binh. Moved to Hanoi & was part of TAPN Reserve force.
2/25/52, Tonkin, sailed from Haiphong to Cochin China.
3/1/52, AO = Cochin China.
3/11/52, Cochin China, returned to Saigon.
4/25/52 to 4/27/52, Cochin China, Operation CHAUMIEREUT in a parachute drop near Tay Ninh with Company de Garde de la BAPS.
4/29/52, Annam, fought with GAP 1 near Quang Ngai.
5/4/52, Cochin China, Battalion returned to Saigon.
5/15/52, Cochin China, Parachute drop near Xuyen Moc (Baria) in Operation EOLE.
5/30/52, Annam, Battalion moved to Tourane.
6/15/52, Annam Center, Operation CABESTAN near An Tan.
7/4/52, Operation QUADRILLE.
7/52, Annam, returned to Tourane & replaced by BM/4th RTT.
8/25/52, Tonkin, Operation SAUTERELLE with 3rd BPC, GM7, III/13th DBLE.
9/4/52, Tonkin, Operation CAIMAN as follow up to Operation SAUTERELLE
End of September 1952, Annam, the 1st BPVN replaces the BM/4th RTM in the posts that it occupies over 40 km leading from Tourane to the Pass of the clouds. It is here that a section of the 2nd company loses 9 killed, 5 wounded, & captive 9 paratroopers.
11/30/52 to 1/3/53, Tonkin, Operation BRETAGNE South of Nam Dinh with GM 1 (attached 1 BPVN), GM 4, GM 5, GM 7, GAT & GAC/1 REC, III/3 REI, S/GB 1, DNA 3, DNA 12, Commandos 28, 29, 32 against the VNPA 304 & 320 Divisions near Nam Dinh.

12/8/52, Tonkin, moved by truck to Nam Dinh. Operation BRETAGNE.
12/27/52, Laos, Parachute drop at Ban Som, & Tonkin, Battle Na San
1/1/53, Tonkin, Na San. Afterwards returns to Hanoi.
1/18/53, Annam, by air transport from Hanoi to Plateaux Montagard near Kontum, & Pleiku to rescue elements of 4th BMVN & 8th BMVN.
1/24/53, Annam, Plateaux Montagardnear near An Khe where lost 30 killed, 20 missing and more than 40 wounded.
2/53, Annam, Plateaux Montagard.
3/53, Annam, returns to Cochin China near Long Xueng to keep the Hoa Hao in check.
4/9/53 to 4/28/53, Annam, Quang Ngai Province in Operation ATLAS with 1st GAP. Operation RIFF.
4/28/53, Tonkin, returned to Hanoi.
5/53, Tonkin. Served as Infantry in the ISERE, PERIGORD and SAVOIE operations
6/53, Tonkin. Served as Infantry in the ISERE, PERIGORD and SAVOIE operations
7/53, Cochin China, heavy fighting near Ap Bac with GAP 1.
8/53, Cochin China, AO = Bien Hoa,
11/12/53 to 11/25/53, Operation QUERCY.
12/53, Laos, Seno Air Head. 1 BPVN had now an all Vietnamese cadre except for Battalion Commanded along with four European Officers and seven European NCO’s.
1/54, Cochin China, the Battalion moved to the Mekong Delta area and participated in numerous operations on foot with the 1st GAP.
1/29/54, Annam, Plateaux Montagard near An Khe.
3/54, Annam, Plateaux Montagard on RC 19
3/13/54, Annam, From Plateux to Saigon.
7/54, Tonkin, part of withdraw in Red River Delta.

1/1/55, Cochin China, part of GAP 3 in Saigon.

3/1/55, the battalion is integrated into the Army of the Republic of Vietnam

3 BPVN (Bataillon de Parachutistes Vietnamiens),
9/1/52, Tonkin, formed at Hanoi from the disbanded 10 BPCP, Cadre & 3rd Co. & 4th Co. from 10 BPCP, the 10 CIP assigned as 3 Co. to 3 BPVN. When the Battalion formed it had 818 Vietnamese & 67 Europeans. Most of local troops were Nungs & others from Tonkin Highlands. Trained at Bac Mai near Hanoi.
4 Quarter 1952, Tonkin, Company level training carried out in Ha Dong province.
2/21/53, Tonkin, Moved by air to camp at Na San.
3/53, Tonkin, Near Na San.
4/25/53, Laos, Plaine de Jars area with GAP 1.
5/53, Tonkin, Operations MIMOSA, CORMORAN 2.
5/13/53, Laos, 3 BPVN moved to Xieng Khoang near the Plaine des Jarres with 2 BEP & II/1 RCP.
5/18/53, Laos, at Xieng Khouang with II/1 RCP & 3 BCP.
6/7/53, Tonkin, moved to Hanoi and provided LOC security on RP 60.
6/?/53, Annam, Tourane
7/8/53, to August 1953, Annam, Operation CAMARGUE with II/1 RCP, originally held as reserve at Tourane. Parachute assault on 7/28/53.
8/53, Tonkin, Operations: CONCARNEAU, LAMBALLE, & MONT ST MICHEL.
9/953, Tonkin, returned to Hanoi. Moved to Nam Dinh.
9/13/53 to 9/19/53, Tonkin, Operation FLANDRES near Cho Chay with GM 4 (Attached 3 BPVN), GM 7, S/GB 2, Commando 35.
12/25/53, to February 1954, From Cat Bi to Laos near Seno, Ban Na Khan in middle Laos & Muong Sai in Upper Laos with GAP 1 (2 BEP & 1 BCP).
1/2/54, Laos, at Seno Airhead. Heavy losses at Ban Hine Siu.
1/6/54, Laos, meets up with 6 BPC near Ban Hine Siu 40 km North East of SENO.
1/14/54, Laos, in early morning 320 PAVN Division attack on 3 BPVN lead to intense fight. At Ban Hine Siu 3 BPVN suffered heavy losses most of French cadre killed or wounded as well as 51 dead, 84 wounded, & 101 missing out of 688 who went into battle. The 3 Company is temporarily disbanded, will later be reformed when Battalion returned to Tonkin.
3/12/54, Laos, Battalion reinforced by 1 Company/7 BPVN.
4/10/54, Laos, moved by air to Tonkin, where returned to Hanoi. Undertakes security duties at Gia Lam & Cat Bi to protect the Air Force transport aircraft needed for aerial resupply of Camp at DBP.
6/7/54, Annam, Battalion moved to Pleiku & An Khe area.
6/20/54 thru 6/28/54, Annam, Operation EGLANTINE with 7 BPC. Recovers survivors of GM 100 fighting on RC 19 and covers retreat from Pleiku to An Khe.
7/20/54, Annam, moved to Nha Trang. European cadre replaced by Vietnamese cadre.
9/29/54, Annam, Battalion transferred by CEFEO to AVN control.
11/11/54, Annam, Nha Trang where with 5 BPVN & 7 BPVN form GAP 3.
12/54, South Vietnam, at Nha Trang all European Cadre replaced by Vietnamese.
1/1/55, Cochin China, part of GAP 3.
3/1/55, Battalion became part of the new ARVN.

5 BPVN (Bataillon de Parachutistes Vietnamiens),
9/1/53, Tonkin, formed at Tong near Hanoi from the disbanded 3 BPC, cadre & HQ Company, the 3 CIP & 23 CIP, the Battalion had a high proportion of Nungs. These troops were available when 3 BPC disbanded. The 5 BPVN was assigned to GAP 2. As formed the Battalion had 867 Vietnamese & 213 Europeans. Due to high number of transferred combat experienced troops the Battalion was quickly ready for service. This 5th BPVN, one of the 5 battalions of Vietnamese paratroopers, was set up on 9/1/53 by dissolution of 3th BPC. On this date, the Europeans of the dissolved battalion who have not yet completed their stay would remain with the new unit. What makes that the 5th "baouan" is the unit of the Vietnamese Army which includes the strongest contingent of Metropolitans at the time of Diên Biên Phu: 16 officers, 84 non-commissioned officers and 113 troops, including eleven 2nd Class! The Vietnamese workforce was 12 officers, 23 non-commissioned officers and 832 troops. Total battalion strength: 1,080.
9/23/53 to 10/12/53, Tonkin, Operation BROCHET I, II & III on N & S of Bamboo Canal with GM 3 (attached 8 BPC), GM 5 (attached 2 BEP), GM 7, GM ZN, 1 BPC, 1 BEP, 5 BPVN, S/GB 1, RICM, DNA 3, DNA 4, DNA 12, Commandos: 20, 34, 35, 61, 63.
9/23/53, Tonkin, Operations BROCHET I, near Ke Sat in Red River Delta.
9/27/53 to 9/29/53, Tonkin, Operation BROCHET II.
9/53 to 10/53, Operation PIKE
9/29/53 to 11/4/53, Tonkin, Operations BROCHET III & BROCHET IV.
11/12/53, Tonkin, Stationed at Hanoi with GAP 2.
11/22/53, Tonkin, DBP Operation CASTOR with GAP 2.
12/25/53, Tonkin, DBP & GAP 2 left DBP.
1/25/54 to 1/26/54, Tonkin, Left DBP & moved to Hanoi.
1/27/54 to 3/13/54, Tonkin, Provided base security for Bach Mai Airbase.
3/14/54, Tonkin, reinforcement Para drop into DBP (Battalion suffered 586 losses)
3/19/54, Tonkin, (Battalion suffered 59 losses)
3/22/54, Tonkin, (Battalion suffered 3 losses)
3/25/54, Tonkin, (Battalion suffered 1 loss)
3/27/54, Tonkin, (Battalion suffered 35 losses)
4/4/54, Tonkin, (Battalion suffered 26 losses)
4/4/54, Tonkin, (Battalion suffered 18 losses)
420/54, Tonkin, (Battalion suffered 3 loss)
4/23/54, Tonkin, 4 Company disbanded & reformed from Instruction Company.
4/54, Tonkin, DBP 3 Company/5 BPVN was reinforced by cadre of disbanded BT 3.
5/7/54, Tonkin, destroyed at DBP (Battalion suffered 731 losses)
6/54, Tonkin, Battalion starting to reform.
7/21/54, Tonkin, reforming Battalion moved by air from Hanoi to Annam near Hue.
7/25/54, Annam, Nha Trang as part of GAP 3 with 7 BPC.
8/1/54, Annam, moved by air to Tourane as part of GAP 1. European cadre replaced by Vietnamese cadre.
11/1/54, Annam, Tourane, moved by road to Nha Trang where formed GAP 3 with 3 BPVN & 7 BPVN.
11/9/54, Annam, Nha Trang, absorbed Commando 34 from Tonkin as 1 Company & Commando 620 as 3 Company.
1/1/55, Cochin China, part of GAP 3.
3/1/55, became part of the new ARVN.

6 BPVN (Bataillon de Parachutistes Vietnamiens),
3/1/54, formed at Chi Hoa near Saigon in Annam from part of 19 BVN (Khmer Krom/ ethnic Cambodians from Cochin China) from Ca Mau as first entire Vietnamese Para Battalion without European cadre. Commander of 19 BVN (Major Tri) was first commander of 6 BPVN. Formed too late to play a major role in the fighting.
7/54, South Vietnam, Moved to Saigon as part of Vietnamese GAP 3.
1/1/55, Cochin China, outside Saigon at Tan Son Nhut as part of GAP 3.
9/21/55, Moved to Saigon.

7 BPVN (Bataillon de Parachutistes Vietnamiens),
9/1/53, Tonkin, formed at Hanoi with French cadre from 1 BPK (1 Battalion Parachutiste Khmer) and troops from 69 BVN, had two rifle companies (1 & 2). Total Battalion strength was 959 troops.
11/1/53, Battalion formed third company.
12/1/53, Battalion finished Company level training, also formed 4 Company.
3/12/54, Laos, 1 Company/7 BPVN moved to Seno to reinforce the 3 BPVN.
3/14/54, Hanoi, 2 Company assigned to Bach Mai airfield.
4/10/54, Tonkin, Battalion operated near Hanoi providing security.
4/30/54, Tonkin, Battalion disbanded by CEFEO.
5/1/54, Battalion transferred to AVN. Battalion now had a Vietnamese Cadre.
5/7/54, Annam, near An Khe with 7 BPC.
7/54, Tonkin, part of withdraw in Red River Delta.
7/25/54, Tonkin, moved by air to Nha Trang where joined GAP 3. European cadre replaced by Vietnamese cadre.
11/6/54, absorbed 634 Commando du Centre Annam (Ex-North Vietnam Commando # 3) at Reception Centre Annam.
11/9/54, absorbed North Vietnam Commando No. 15.
11/11/54, Annam, moved to Nha Trang there with 3 BPVN & 5 BPVN form GAP 3.
1/1/55, Annam, near Nha Trang.
3/1/55, Annam, near Nha Trang Battalion disbanded to fill out other BPVN’s and creates Support units for GAP 3.

1 CIP,
1/1/48, Cochin China, formed with ethnic Cambodians and Locals from Cochin china as Company Parachute Autochtone.
1/1/48, attached to 1 BCCP - SAS as the 3 Company.
4/21/48, first combat drop in Operation TRITON with 1 BCCP SAS.
6/26/48, Cochin China, unit assigned to 5 BCCP as GC 4.
7/48, 1 BCCP returned to France.
10/1/48, renamed as part of the Battalion of the Commander of the 2 DBCCP. Later renamed the Company Parachute Autochtone assigned to DBCCP HQ as an Independent Parachute Company.
1/1/49 to 11/26/49, Based out of Saigon.
11/1/49, Cochin China, assigned to 2 BCCP as 2 CIP stationed in Dian near Saigon.
12/10/49, assigned to 1 BCCP as 1 CIP.
10/1/50, the 1 CIP renamed 1 GCIP.
3/1/51, the 1 GCIP renamed 1 CIP.
6/20/51, Cochin China, 1 CIP assigned to new 1 BPVN as 3 Company.
7/15/51, used to form 3 Company of the new 1 BPVN at Saigon.
8/1/51, the 6 CIP/6 BCP renamed 1 CIP/1 BCP until Battalion disbanded.
See: 1 BPVN.

4/51, formed as forth company of 1 BEP.
5/54, destroyed at BBP.
See: 1 BEP.

1 CPVNS, (Parachute Squadron of the Guard of South Viet Nam)
4/29/47, Company sized unit authorized, proposed to form unit with cadre from the 3 Regiment of the Gendarmes.
7/18/47 thru 8/9/47, completed training, unit was part of Guarde Republician Cochinchinoise. Squadron made six training jumps at Saigon.
9/8/47, available for operations.
10/47, jungle combat training near Loc Ninh.
1/11/48, Cochinchina, first Para jump in Operation TETA.
3/48, The EPGRC (Parachute Squadron Republican Guard CochinChina) renamed the PGVNS (Parachute Squadron of the Guard in Vietnam South) AO = Cochin China with base at Thu Duc.
4/48, kept on alert at Saigon as intervention unit. Continued operations in south CochinChina for the rest of 1948.
4/30/48, Annam, Operation with 1 BCCP SAS & 2 BCCP.
6/1/48, Annam, Para drop near Bien Hoa with 1 BCCP.
7/7/48, Annam, near Nhon Ninh, & Phuoc An in Operation CARIBE with 2 BCCP & 5 BCCP.
8/1/49, Complete cadre of Gendarmes.
3/29/50 thru 4/3/50, Airborne Operation near Tra Vinh with 2./2 BEP.
Acted as independent unit until 6/51.
5/51 to 6/30/51, assigned to Bao Dai stationed at Dalat.
7/1/51, ordered to join the forming 1 BPVN.
7/15/51, Saigon, used to form the 1.Company.1 BPVN.
See: 1 BPVN.

1 Parachute Commando Company,
1954, Formed from former Commando’s North Viet Nam.

2 CIP,
1/1/49, formed from Company Parachute Autochtone de la 2 DBCCP.
1/18/49, assigned to 2 BCCP.
12/12/49, assigned to 1 BCCP and renamed the 1 CIP.
12/53, 2 CIP assigned to II/1 RCP as 4 Company

4/1951, formed as forth company of 2 BEP.
5/1954, destroyed at BBP.
See: 2 BEP.

2 Parachute Commando Company,
1954, Formed from former Commando’s North Viet Nam.

3 CIP,
2/25/49, renamed from Tonkin Parachute Company as 3 CIP for 3 BCCP.
10/16/49, Tonkin, Operation ANTHRACITE jumped at Phat Diem with Group Mollat (3 CIP, 5 CIP, 8./II/1 RCP).
11/49, Part of 3 BCCP.
8/50 to 9/50, Laos, operations with 3 BCCP.
10/1/50, Tonkin, Operation PHOQUE near Thai Nguyen with 7 GCCP.
11/1/50, Tonkin, 3 BCCP disbanded & 3 CIP renamed 6 CIP for 6 GCCP.
7/53, renamed 31 CIP for 1 BPC.
8/21/53, renamed 3 CIP for 1 BPC.
Part of 3 BPC:
8/31/53, 3 BPC disbanded.
9/1/53, assigned to new 5 BPVN.
See: 5 BPVN.

3 Parachute Commando Company,
9/54, Formed from former Commando’s North Viet Nam.

4 CIP,
7/53, renamed 41 CIP for 1 BPC.
8/21/53, renamed 4 CIP for 1 BPC.
See: 1 BCP.

7/48, Part of 5 BCCP
10/16/49, Tonkin, Operation ANTHRACITE jumped at Phat Diem with Group Mollat (3 CIP, 5 CIP, 8./II/1 RCP).

6 CIP,
11/1/50, 3 BCCP disbanded & 3 CIP renamed 6 CIP for 6 GCCP.
6/10/51, 6 CIP returned to Hanoi from Bui Chu.
7/26/51, 6 CIP disbanded when 6 GCCP returned to France.
7/31/51, 6 CIP renamed 7 CIP for 7 BPC.
7/29/52, Hanoi, 7 CIP renamed 6 CIP for 6 BCP.
11/1/53, renamed 3 Company/6 BCP.
4/4/54, 3 Company /6 BCP disbanded at DBP.
See: 6 BPC.

7 CIP,
8/50, Part of 7 BCCP
7/31/51, 7 CIP formed 6 CIP for 7 BPC.
5/16/52, 7 CIP returned to Hanoi from Annam.
7/29/52, Hanoi, 7 CIP renamed 6 CIP for 6 BCP.
1954, 7 CIP reformed for 7 BPC.
March 1956, used to form GCPL, moved to Seno in Laos.
This will be the last Colonial Para unit in Indochina.
See: 6 CIP.

8 CIP,
3/1/51, Part of 8 BPC as 3 Company.
5/7/54, destroyed at DBP.
See: 8 BPC.

9 CIP,
3/1/51, formed at Hanoi for 9 BPC.
4/16/51, used to form CITAPI, training centre to train Indo Chinese for Para units.
12/31/53, CITAPI disbanded.

10 CIP,
3/31/50, II/1 RCP disbanded & returned to France, the Battalion’s Vietnamese troops formed the CM/1 RCP.
10/1/50, CM/1 RCP formed 10 CIP for 10 BPCP
9/1/52, 10 BPCP disbanded & 10 CIP assigned as 3 Co. to the new 3 BPVN.
See: 3 BPVN.

22 CIP,
10/52, Hanoi, added to 2 BCP.
12/53, assigned to II/1 RCP as 3 Company.
See: II/1 RCP.

23 CIP,
Part of 3 BPC:
8/31/53, 3 BPC disbanded.
9/1/53, 23 CIP assigned to new 5 BPVN.
See: 5 BPVN.

26 CIP,
10/1/52, 26 CIP formed for 6 BPC as second CIP.
1/1/53, renamed 4 Company/6 BCP.
3/29/54, Tonkin, 4 Company/6 BCP disbanded at DBP.
See: 6 BPC.

28 CIP,
8/1/53, Part of 8 BPC as 4 Company.
5/7/54, destroyed at DBP.
See: 8 BPC.

31 CIP,
7/53, 6 CIP renamed 31 CIP for 1 BPC.
8/21/53, renamed from 31 CIP to 3 CIP for 1 BPC.
See: 1 BCP.

41 CIP,
7/53, 4 CIP renamed 41 CIP for 1 BPC.
8/21/53, renamed from 41 CIP as 4 CIP for 1 BPC.
See: 1 BCP.

620 CCP, (620 Parachute Commando Company)
10/10/54, Annam, Nha Trang, formed from the 610 Commando & 620 Commando.
10/16/54, Annam, Nha Trang, assigned to GAP 3.

634 CCP,
10/10/54, Nha Trang formed from 610,620 & 634 Commando
10/16/54, Nha Trang, assigned to GAP 3.

Commando Para de extreme Orient,
2/51, unit formed in Tonkin as reserves for Red River Delta Forts
9/12/52, unit renamed 1 Commando/8 GCP
See: 8 BPC.

Tonkin Parachute Company,
9/24/48, formed from 4./BMI as Company Vy, named after its commander Lt. Nguyen Van Vy.
10/1/48, Company renamed Tonkin Parachute Company.
12/31/48, Company under the II/1 RCP waiting for assignment to a BCCP.
2/25/49, Company renamed 3 CIP for 3 BCCP.
See: 3 CIP.

Dan Morris

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Date d'inscription : 20/08/2013
Age : 73
Localisation : USA

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